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Hondameet Polijā - 29.05-31.05.2015

PostPosted: 05 Feb 2015, 18:12
by Nowiii
Sveikiņi! :-D
Man ir ienākusi jauna informācija par šī gada pasākumu Polijā. Šī informācija vēl nav oficāli paziņota, bet 90%, ka tā izskatīsies kautkā šādi ;)
Domājam, komentējam un piedalamies! :)


Hey guys. I just want to invite you on a probably the biggest Honda event in the EASTERN EUROPE!
First if you would like to take a part in the whole meeting (which is going to last for 3 days) you have to register here --->
Please, note, the registration is obligatory only for drivers. Please do not register passengers and accompanied people.
To do this correctly you'll need your identity card and a valid driving license. After the registration please remember your ID number (given by the online registration form), write it on paper and put it on the dashboard. Important!!!!!!! ALL DRIVERS HAVE TO BE REGISTERED OTHERWISE YOU MIGHT NOT BE ALLOWED TO ENTER ON THE EVENT.
We are planning to close registration on the 28.05.2015 (5pm CET).

29th MAY - 31st MAY

PLACE OF THE EVENT ... 7668edde3e

Resort, ... a=!3m1!1e3

Friday 29.05.2015
We'll be waiting for the participants from 2 PM in resort. If you want to come later ( ex. 9pm or later ) please send some info via e-mail or call to the event admin. Also if you find any problems locating our place please call the event admin as well.

7:15 pm -- dinner time for guests
8pm -- dinner time for guests

After dinner we're planning some integration banquet with music and hot dishes. At midnight special polish dish -- BIGOS
Alcohol- within your capacity.

Saturday 30.05.2015

7:00 am -- breakfast for resort
8:45 am -- driving to the airport
10:00 am -- opening the main gate of the airport
10:45 am -- the official starting of the event
11:00 am -- starting the tournaments ( 1/4 mil and time attack )
2:30 pm -- engine bay competition
3:00 pm -- lowest suspension competition
3:30 pm -- lottery
4:00 pm -- best car audio competition
4:30 pm -- car of the meeting
5:00 pm -- awards and diplomas
6:00 pm -- end of the airport day and going back to resorts
6:30 pm -- dinner
9:00 pm -- CivicKlub Poland Association After Party by [url]

Sunday 31.06.2014
8:00 am -- breakfast
10:00 am -- CivicKlub Poland Association official members' conference
10:30 am -- contests at the "Urocza" Resort, Honda QUIZ ( what do you know about honda )
2:00 pm -- official end of the 2014 CivicKlub Poland Association meeting.

================================================== ==================================================

Payments information :

A. whole event
1. 65 EUR per person if you want to participate on 1/4 mile or time attack
2. 55 EUR per person without taking part on any competitions (**this option includes each accompanied person**)

B. just the airport
1. 25 EUR per car if you wanna take part on 1/4 mile or time attack competitions
2. 15 EUR per car without competitions

If You have more than 450km you can stay at 28.05 to 1.06, but first you must asking me. You must surcharge 10 EURO for 1night/1person.

All prices are for people who registered at
If you will not register yourself, you have to pay 100 EUR of additional charge per car on the main gate, and there is no guarantee you will be allowed to enter at all.

To confirm your participation in the meeting you have to send a prepaid:
-30 EUR per person if you're going on whole meeting
-25 EUR if you are going just to the airport, but you will be participating in the competitions
-15 EUR if you're going just to the airport without taking a part in the competitions

Payment datails:
Stowarzyszenie Civic Klub Polska
ul. Jaszowiecka 2/2
02-934 Warszawa
bank account: PL13 1600 1462 0008 0917 6373 5001

Rest of cost you will have to pay when you come to the meeting.
Please note, if you cancel your reservation, the prepaid will not be send back!
The only way to get your money back is selling your reservation at the forum special topic.

Re: Hondameet Polijā - 29.05-31.05.2015

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 08:42
by snowbrd
Jooopcik! Labi, ka nav pie pašas Vācijas robežas kā viņi teica! 140 km vairāk nekā pagāšgad! Ko tauta saka? Ja man vāģis rūks, tad jābrauc! \:D/

Tas rallyland arī izskatās ļoti labi =D>

Re: Hondameet Polijā - 29.05-31.05.2015

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 09:35
by Kristaps
Pēc pasākuma norises vietas nosaukuma liekas,ka jābrauc ar Imprezu! : D : D

Tom,kādi bija tie varianti braukt ar lielo treileri un vest visas tačkas?

Pašiem vajag braukt ar busiņu!
Pakaln,tavējais vēl ir braucams? :D

Re: Hondameet Polijā - 29.05-31.05.2015

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 10:13
by Gapchugs
ja nebus supersports man vnm ir racecar kuru var uzmaaleet 3 dienaas :-D es braucu. bez variantiem

Re: Hondameet Polijā - 29.05-31.05.2015

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 10:28
by seisis
Es nekādus treilerus neatbalstu,ar treileri jāved mašīnas,kas ir ar dugām un trasei,nevis braucamās ar skatēm. Es 100% braucu,google maps rāda 11 stundas,domāju,ka attiecīgajā grupā 9h aizbrauksim,ja dipo karti pareizo nokačās! :-D Tātad 5dien 11 vai 12 izbraucam! :-D :-D

Re: Hondameet Polijā - 29.05-31.05.2015

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 10:52
by dipo
seisis wrote:Es nekādus treilerus neatbalstu,ar treileri jāved mašīnas,kas ir ar dugām un trasei,nevis braucamās ar skatēm. Es 100% braucu,google maps rāda 11 stundas,domāju,ka attiecīgajā grupā 9h aizbrauksim,ja dipo karti pareizo nokačās! :-D Tātad 5dien 11 vai 12 izbraucam! :-D :-D

Labi, šoreiz kārtīgāk sagatavošos :-D

Re: Hondameet Polijā - 29.05-31.05.2015

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 13:14
by snowbrd
seisis wrote:Es nekādus treilerus neatbalstu,ar treileri jāved mašīnas,kas ir ar dugām un trasei,nevis braucamās ar skatēm. Es 100% braucu,google maps rāda 11 stundas,domāju,ka attiecīgajā grupā 9h aizbrauksim,ja dipo karti pareizo nokačās! :-D Tātad 5dien 11 vai 12 izbraucam! :-D :-D

Protams :D

Jāizbrauc kkur 6, ja negribi palikt bez vakariņām :D

Re: Hondameet Polijā - 29.05-31.05.2015

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 14:37
Derētu aizbraukt! Pieskaitiet mani :smt006

Un reģistrēšanās naudu vajadzētu sūtīt kaut kad kopā, lai tikai viena komisijas maksa tiek zviedru bankai.

Re: Hondameet Polijā - 29.05-31.05.2015

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 15:30
by seisis
snowbrd wrote:
seisis wrote:Es nekādus treilerus neatbalstu,ar treileri jāved mašīnas,kas ir ar dugām un trasei,nevis braucamās ar skatēm. Es 100% braucu,google maps rāda 11 stundas,domāju,ka attiecīgajā grupā 9h aizbrauksim,ja dipo karti pareizo nokačās! :-D Tātad 5dien 11 vai 12 izbraucam! :-D :-D

Protams :D

Jāizbrauc kkur 6, ja negribi palikt bez vakariņām :D

Pagājušoreiz mēs neko nenokavējām izbraukdami no Bauskas 11mitos.

Re: Hondameet Polijā - 29.05-31.05.2015

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 16:08
by snowbrd
seisis wrote:
snowbrd wrote:
seisis wrote:Es nekādus treilerus neatbalstu,ar treileri jāved mašīnas,kas ir ar dugām un trasei,nevis braucamās ar skatēm. Es 100% braucu,google maps rāda 11 stundas,domāju,ka attiecīgajā grupā 9h aizbrauksim,ja dipo karti pareizo nokačās! :-D Tātad 5dien 11 vai 12 izbraucam! :-D :-D

Protams :D

Jāizbrauc kkur 6, ja negribi palikt bez vakariņām :D

Pagājušoreiz mēs neko nenokavējām izbraukdami no Bauskas 11mitos.

Bija 700km :-"

Re: Hondameet Polijā - 29.05-31.05.2015

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 16:36
by seisis
snowbrd wrote:
seisis wrote:
snowbrd wrote:
seisis wrote:Es nekādus treilerus neatbalstu,ar treileri jāved mašīnas,kas ir ar dugām un trasei,nevis braucamās ar skatēm. Es 100% braucu,google maps rāda 11 stundas,domāju,ka attiecīgajā grupā 9h aizbrauksim,ja dipo karti pareizo nokačās! :-D Tātad 5dien 11 vai 12 izbraucam! :-D :-D

Protams :D

Jāizbrauc kkur 6, ja negribi palikt bez vakariņām :D

Pagājušoreiz mēs neko nenokavējām izbraukdami no Bauskas 11mitos.

Bija 700km :-"

Tas baigi daudz neko nemainīs,30-50 min,jo šoreiz būc cits ceļš!

Re: Hondameet Polijā - 29.05-31.05.2015

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 17:25
by Raimonds
Ir doma braukt, nepiedalīties sacensībās, bet paskatīties un pēc tam aizplēst kaut kur nedaudz tālāk, vasara kā nekā būs :-D

Re: Hondameet Polijā - 29.05-31.05.2015

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 19:23
by Bandenieks
Pieskaitiet mani, cerams ka braucamais līdz tam laikam būs gatavs . \:D/
PS. Tas ceļš, kas sanāk vistaisnāk vienā brīdī ~200km ir ļoti šaurs līkumains un ne pārāk gluds. Esmu braucis uz to galu... :D

Re: Hondameet Polijā - 29.05-31.05.2015

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 19:55
by zirguzagliss
Kads var pateikt cik sanal aptuvenas izmaksas ka lidzbraucejam?

Re: Hondameet Polijā - 29.05-31.05.2015

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 21:04
by dipo
zirguzagliss wrote:Kads var pateikt cik sanal aptuvenas izmaksas ka lidzbraucejam?

Ja pareizi atceros, tad ap 100-150€ man sanāca viss kopā (ieskaitot padzērienus) :-D